Mary Maxfield Presentation
April 2, 2021: On March 31, 2021, Mary Maxfield gave a virtual presentation of her research on 1970s St. Louis lesbian activism in partnership with the St. Louis LGBT History Project. The presentation covered a range of lesbian organizing including women’s houses/ collectives, bookstores and music production companies, and the city’s first Take Back the Night March.
Mary’s article “Together We Can Make a Safe Home: Space, Violence, and Lesbian Organizing in 1970s St. Louis” will be featured in Left in the Midwest: Building Progressive Movements in 1960s and ‘70s St. Louis (eds. Amanda Izzo and Benjamin Looker), which will be released by the University of Missouri Press in 2022.
Mary is a Dissertation Fellow and Ph.D. candidate at St. Louis University (SLU), with a graduate certificate in ethnic studies and Master’s Degrees in American studies from Bowling Green State University and SLU.
Mary holds a graduate teaching assistantship at SLU and was a 2019 Divided City fellow through Washington University. Her research focuses on social justice as it relates to LGBTQ+ experiences, space and place, and digital technologies.