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2019 Anniversary Series: 1979 WU Gay Pride Weekend

logo draft 2By Steven Louis Brawley

Beyond Stonewall: St. Louis' LGBTQIA+ History

1979 Gay Pride Weekend at Washington University

April 18, 2019: As the 50th anniversary of Stonewall is being commemorated, the Project is focusing on local anniversaries of historically significant events that have framed St. Louis vibrant LGBTQIA+ history.

April 20 marks the 40th anniversary of Washington University's 1979 Gay Pride Weekend. This was one of several events, including the 1979 March on Washington that occured later that year, that led to St. Louis hosting its first official Pride events in April 1980.

Project contributor Jim Andris has researched and documented the 1979 events at Washington University. Take a moment to learn about this St. Louis LGBTQIA+ historical milestone. Stay tuned for future 2019 anniversary year commemorations and features.

Link to Andris article and research.


WU Gay pride



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